Poultry - The Frugal Homestead

Egg Tracker Freebie for Your Chicken Journal

Egg Tracker Log sheet for your chicken journal!
Image of a free printable record-keeping page for tracking egg production in laying hens/chickens

Free Chicken Journal Egg Tracker Sheet

Do you want to track the daily egg production of your laying hens? Keeping notes about chicken-keeping tasks, flock health, feed consumption, and egg production helps you stay organized. It also gives insight into the cost of your final product, those yummy eggs. 🍳 Get organized and keep track of your flock’s productivity with this helpful Egg Tracker Log sheet for your chicken journal!

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What’s a Chicken Journal?

Keeping notes about your chickens helps you keep up-to-date on their medications, egg production, and other important information. Even if you don’t keep poultry as pets, it’s important to know if they are laying enough eggs to cover the cost of feed. You’ll also want to know when the last de-wormer was given or if a hen has molted, things of that nature.

You’ll want to pay even more attention to record-keeping if you wish to Sell Your Farm Fresh Eggs.

You can organize your chicken notes in a notebook or in a spreadsheet, or you can start a three-ring binder with all of your notes organized with color tabs. The binder is a great way to stash all of the necessary info about your flock along with coop design printouts or other downloaded information.

The Egg Tracker Freebie I’m sharing here is designed to print out and then use a three-hole punch along the left side of the page to prepare it for your binder. Print as many sheets as you like or just save the pdf to your computer and print as needed.

If you like this free printable, check out my ebook, How to Raise Backyard Chickens for Farm Fresh Eggs: Getting Started with Laying Hens, and the companion workbook with 17 printable cheat sheets, record-keeping pages, journaling and note papers, and more!

Image of worksheets for keeping records for your laying hens and chickens

How to Use the Egg Tracker Log Freebie

Once you’ve printed your free Egg Tracker sheet, just make a note of the number of birds in your flock at the top and jot down the starting date in the space provided. This will give you the date range on each sheet for info at a glance.

In the table, note the date that you collected eggs, the number collected, and anything noteworthy. I use this space to track the number of blue and green eggs I get from my Easter Eggers. It’s also good to note any problems with cracked eggs, egg-eating hens, or thin shells.

Now that you know how I use this Egg Tracker Log, let’s get that freebie!

Enjoy Your Egg Tracker Freebie!

I hope this free chicken journal sheet is helpful and you have fun filling it out. I enjoy creating journal pages like this and I share news about available freebies with my newsletter subscribers. If you would like to get homesteading information and notice when new freebies are available, sign up for my free emails below, or in the sidebar!

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Vintage Chicken Mason Jar Labels

Check out my Vintage Chicken Mason Jar Labels on Etsy

A very special ‘Welcome’ to everyone visiting from The Depression Era Challenge on my friend Julie’s website, The Farm Wife!

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6 Comments on “Egg Tracker Freebie for Your Chicken Journal

  1. A simple way to keep track of egg production. Is it possible to keep track of each chicken’s production? We hope to start this year.

    1. Hi Pat,
      You can print out a sheet for each hen and label it with her name or ID number to track individual egg production. You would need to know which egg each hen is laying, which may be possible if they lay colored eggs, or eggs with speckles or other distinguishing characteristics. You may need to spend extra time watching to know who’s laying which egg, or you can house them in separate crates (with food and water, of course) for a day or two until they’ve laid eggs. If their eggs look too similar to tell them apart, it can be tricky to keep track of their individual production.

  2. So the egg tracker we made is actually an excel sheet and we have the yearly amounts on it and by month as well so we can see the totals easier.

    1. That’s a great idea, Sarah. Did you purchase this as a product or set it up yourself? Thanks for sharing!

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