A Fox in the Barnyard Over the years I’ve lost quite a few poultry to predators. This summer a fox has found our chicken pen and has been picking off chickens (I believe 8, so far) in the early morning. To prevent further problems, I started letting the flock out…
The Skunk In My Tool Shed
An Uninvited Guest It was a wonderfully warm January day. The sun was out and the chickens were scratching happily in the muddy pasture. I had been hoping to burn off the weedy patch that I call a garden and get rid of my stash of boxes in the old…
Possum in the Hen House
Possums are Predators Every chicken enthusiast dreads the potential predator attack. Hawks and owls can pick off a chicken before you know it. Foxes, coyotes, neighborhood dogs, racoons, skunks, and even cats can be a threat to your poultry. I also knew that possums would steal eggs and eat young…