Foraging for Free Chicken Feed Chickens love to forage for their own greens, insects, and worms but not everyone can allow their flock out to free-range. If you are short on pasture for your hens or the threat of predators is too great, you can gather food for them! Foraging…
The Family Garden Plan Will Help You Grow!
The Family Garden Plan: Grow a Year's Worth of Sustainable and Healthy Food by Melissa K. Norris will help you plan an abundant garden!
105 Best Ways to Be More Self Reliant
105 of the Best Ways to Be More Self Reliant right where you are! You don't need a large homestead to increase your self-reliance!
How to Choose the Best Broody Hens for a Self Reliant Flock
Keep a broody hen or 2 to hatch and raise their own chicks! Here are the best broody hen breeds so she can hatch out eggs for you!
Veggies from My ‘Root Cellar’
Vegetables from my 'root cellar' help our family be more self reliant. I'd like to build a real root cellar to be even more self reliant!
Renewable Energy for Self-Sufficiency
by Dr. Tom Lombardo Renewable Energy for Self-Sufficiency Ask a few homeowners about renewable energy and they’ll probably talk about solar panels and rooftop wind turbines. They might even use the term “off-grid.” In reality, there are many more possibilities, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with…