Interview with Mary from Mary's Heirloom Seeds, a small business in the USA that uses environmentally friendly practices.
How to Make a Survival Seed Bank
How to create a survival seed ban and the, best storage methods, how to test germination rates, best and worst seeds for storage, and more!
Can You Save Seeds from Hybrid Plants?
Saving Seed from Hybrid Plants There is quite a bit of misinformation out there about saving seeds. Again and again I read the pronouncements online that you can’t save seed from hybrid plants. This simply is not true. You can save seed from hybrid plants or from plants that…
Seeds for Self Sufficiency
Heirloom Seeds Most gardeners purchase fresh packets of seeds each year to plant their garden. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. However, if you would like to ‘save a little green’ and become more self sufficient, heirloom seeds are just the ticket! Heirloom seeds allow you to save seed…