Too Many Duck Eggs! It’s either feast or famine around here. Until recently I had NO duck eggs. However my four young duck hens are in full production now and I’m getting a lovely egg from each of them, every day now. I hatched two Pekin ducklings at the…
Hatching Ducklings in Autumn
Coming Soon – Autumn Ducklings! You might think I’m a bit crazy for hatching ducklings (or chicks) in the fall. Why would anyone think of incubating eggs at this time of year? You can read more about my reasons for Hatching Chicks in Autumn, if you like. The short answer?…
Black Cayuga Duck Egg
My First Black Cayuga Duck Egg! I’ve been waiting, rather impatiently, for our Black Cayuga duck hen to lay her first egg. Today I was pleasantly surprised by this beauty. 🙂 I was expecting a darker-colored shell, but it is still a rather interesting shade. I think the dark color…
Keeping Ducks on the Homestead
Homestead Ducks Ducks are a great addition to the small homestead. They provide eggs and meat, and pest control too! Their meat is delicious and the eggs are great for baking and fresh eating. Ducks are less prone to disease than chickens and they lay eggs well during the winter.…
Can You Avoid Avian Flu Losses by Raising Ducks?
Are Ducks the Answer to Avian Flu? With continuing outbreaks of avian flu wiping out massive numbers of chickens and turkeys in the United States, many poultry enthusiasts are worried… ‘Will I lose my entire flock of laying hens?’ or ‘Is my turkey flock at risk?’ Small farmers suffer a setback when losing their…
Scrambled Duck Eggs That Don’t Taste Like Duck Eggs!
Scrambled Duck Eggs with Milder Flavor For the first time since I was a kid, I’m eating duck eggs! I ordered Pekin ducklings this spring and now have 5 ducks and 1 drake. We usually get 5 duck eggs a day and they are starting to pile up in the…
Pumpkin Cranberry Muffin Recipe
These pumpkin cranberry muffins are delicious in fall, or any time! They are lightly sweet and wonderful with dried cranberries.
French Toast Made with Duck Eggs
The Best French Toast I’ve Ever Made Duck eggs make the most wonderful French toast! It has a rich, custard flavor and is so creamy and delicious, you’ll have trouble stopping after two (or three or four) slices! Now that I have duck eggs every day, I’ve been working on…
How to Use Duck Eggs
Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs If you’ve never had access to duck eggs, you might be wondering how different they can be from chicken eggs. Some differences will depend on the breed of duck that laid the egg. An egg from a Muscovy will be somewhat different from a Pekin…
Homemade Applesauce Cake with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting
How to Make Applesauce Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting I recently came across a ‘windfall’ of unwanted apples and make a big batch of applesauce. I canned most of it, froze some when I got tired of canning, dehydrated apple slices, and put the rest in the refrigerator to use…