Egg Recipes - Poultry

Too Many Duck Eggs!

Too Many Duck Eggs! - The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

Too Many Duck Eggs!

It’s either feast or famine around here. Until recently I had NO duck eggs. However my four young duck hens are in full production now and I’m getting a lovely egg from each of them, every day now.

Hey, we're just doing our job!
Hey, we’re just doing our job!


I hatched two Pekin ducklings at the end of February. Then four little ducklings jumped into my cart at the feed store in March. Two of them are Rouens and the other two are a mystery. I now have two drakes and four duck hens.

I really don’t need this many duck eggs! I need to find buyers, more uses for duck eggs, or I suppose I could find a new home for some of them.

Do you have too many duck eggs? Here are some of my favorite ways to use them:

What is your favorite way to use duck eggs?

