How to Can Crushed Tomatoes Canning fresh vegetables from your garden is a great way to increase your self-reliance and save money! One of my favorite home food preservation projects is canning crushed tomatoes. These delicious jars of homegrown goodness are wonderful for making pasta dishes, soups, and stews over…
Heirloom Tomato Varieties for Your Garden
Heirloom Tomatoes Worth Growing This Year! Tomatoes are a favorite veggie in home gardens, and for good reason! They are nutritious, versatile, and they taste soooooo much better picked and eaten fresh than they do from the store. It can be difficult to choose from the myriad of varieties available these…
Harvesting & Using Green Tomatoes
Harvesting & Using Green Tomatoes Just before our first frost I harvested all of the green tomatoes from my garden and brought them in the house. If they have a slight blush of orange, they will often ripen in a sunny windowsill for fresh use or cooking. They may not…
The End of Our Summer Veggies
The End of Our Summer Veggies The cool days of autumn slow the production of tomatoes, peppers, beans, and other heat loving veggies. I feel a little sad when I walk through the garden and see tiny little peppers that will never ripen. It’s always bittersweet knowing that there won’t be…
Tigerella Tomatoes
Tigerella – Heirloom Salad Tomatoes Do you have one of those ‘tried and true’ tomato varieties that you plant every year? I’ve tried a lot of different tomatoes over the years, with varying degrees of success (and failure!). The large beefsteak types never seem to do well for me. This…
Freezing Tomatoes
Save Your Extra Tomatoes for Later! Who doesn’t love a fresh ripe tomato, right off the vine?! Well, I sure do. Our family has been enjoying Pink Oxheart tomatoes this summer. But I can only eat so many tomatoes in season. I always plant extras so I’ll have some to…