Harvesting & Using Green Tomatoes Just before our first frost I harvested all of the green tomatoes from my garden and brought them in the house. If they have a slight blush of orange, they will often ripen in a sunny windowsill for fresh use or cooking. They may not…
Baking from Scratch on the Homestead
Check out my recipes for Homemade Muffin Mix, Dark Chocolate Cake, and Pumpkin Cranberry Muffins! Why Ditch the Mix? As a kid I remember making all of our own cakes, pies, cookies, and muffins from scratch. It wasn’t until I got a bit older that I remember having cake mixes…
How to Cook with a Wood Stove
Cooking With a Wood Stove Are you wondering how to cook on a wood stove? My family often cooked food in a frying pan or saucepan on the wood stove when I was growing up. Sometimes we did a picnic-style meal and cooked hot dogs in the flames with the…