How to Treat Hens that Lay Eggs with Thin Eggshells It’s so frustrating to reach into a nestbox and find a gooey egg broken open because your hens are laying eggs with thin eggshells. There are many reasons that fresh eggs may have thin or soft shells. You may need…
How to Naturally Treat Scaly Leg Mites in Chickens
Treat scaly leg mites in chickens naturally and inexpensively with products you already have at home. Protect your flock from these parasites!
How to Prevent and Treat Sour Crop and Impacted Crop in Chickens
Prevent and Treat Sour Crop or Impacted Crop Sour crop or an impacted crop is a common problem for backyard chicken flocks. Knowing how to prevent and treat these ailments could save a chicken’s life. As always, preventing the problem is better than having to treat it. I recently had…