Trying Out Instafire for Fire-Starting by Tom Lombardo I’ve been building fires since I was a college student living in a cabin in the Adirondacks and heating with a wood stove. I’m also fond of backyard bonfires and I’m the designated fire builder when our family goes camping. Tinder (such…
Incubator Review Update
Read my Hova Bator 1602N Review. Incubator Review I recently received a Hova Bator 1602N to review for Incubator Warehouse. I loaded the incubator with 26 chicken eggs gathered during a very cold February. The incubator worked perfectly and kept the temperature even for the eggs at the sides. The…
Hova Bator 1602N Incubator Review
Hova Bator 1602N Incubator I recently received a Hova Bator 1602N Incubator to review for Incubator Warehouse, a hatching supply company based in Idaho. This model comes with a Gentle Flow fan kit for even heating, and a wafer snap thermostat. A guide to using the incubator is included, with…
Black Beauty Zucchini
Black Beauty Zucchini – Mary’s Heirloom Seeds This page contains affiliate links. You will not pay any extra when you purchase products through these links, but I will receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting The Self Sufficient HomeAcre! Mary’s Heirloom Seeds (#ad) sponsored a review and giveaway on…